Please note, this isn't the primary early warning platform.
For official early warning products, kindly refer to the Meterology Agency of each respective country.
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Flash floods are as destructive in the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) countries as they are in many parts of the world. In response to regional and national needs and to address flash flood issues in each member state of the Mekong River Commission (MRC), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) have collaborated. With technical support from the Hydrologic Research Center (HRC) through a program with the U.S. National Weather Service (U.S. NWS), they have jointly implemented the Mekong River Commission Flash Flood Guidance System (MRCFFGS) in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
The Web Portal is an extension of this effort, designed to showcase the products from MRCFFGS. It integrates the flash flood guidance in the LMB with results from Rainstorm Tracker and Mekong Xray, evaluating the severity of storm events over the Lower Mekong Basin in near-real and real-time. This integration provides a vulnerability assessment to improve flash flood early warnings and support flood risk management. This initiative is an output of the collaboration under SERVIR SEA, a joint initiative of USAID and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), implemented by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC).
This product is derived for each basin based on the best available mean areal precipitation estimates from bias-adjusted Microwave-adjusted Global Hydro Estimator Satellite (MWGHE) or bias-adjusted Global Hydro Estimator Satellite (GHE) or the gauge-interpolations.
Soil water saturation fraction (dimensionless ratio of contents over capacity) for the upper zone (approximately 20-30 cm depth) of the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model for each of the sub-basins. The products are updated every hour.
he products are updated every hour and reflect basin-average precipitation accumulation forecasts from the navigation hour over the corresponding interval.
The product value indicates the total volume of rainfall over the given duration which is just enough to cause bank full flow at the outlet of the draining stream. Consequently, rainfall volumes of the same duration that are greater than the FFG value indicate a likelihood of overbank flows at the draining stream outlet.
Flash Flood Risk products provide frequency of positive flash flood threat for the entire forecast lead time interval that is due to forecast rainfall from model forecast. This is a measure of the forecast flash flood occurrence frequency. Note that the quality of this product depends critically on the reliability of the rainfall forecast throughout the lead time interval.